Studios History
D4 Studio D4 Building Studios History

You've heard those stories where a project started in a garage... well, Electrypnose actually exactly did! We were a group of friends discovering psytrance for a couple of years, going to parties, and we rented a garage to put a little soundsystem, party and hang out... A classic teenage/young adult story I guess. Since we were wanting a place to escape home and the scrutiny of our parents, and nobody at the time had its own place.

In this garage, my best friend and I connected two computers with FL Studio, with a sort of archaic MIDI trigger to launch the two computers in sync... and started our first songs! Those are the very first opuses you can find in the tracks collection. It had to start somewhere :) Then, my studio setups have moved several times and had all possible shapes. The main idea in mind remaining: having the possibility to play loud music late at night. It went everywhere from working on headphones at my parents' place, to what D4 studio is today.
Here is a little chronology of Electrypnose studio setups through the history of the project.

In a garage... I don't have a picture yet (no smartphones back then!) I have to look in my boxes where I maybe have a film picture that may exist.

Nothing special really. The garage thing was over. A desktop computer at my parents', FL Studio, no VST, no hardware, and just headphones & basic speakers.

I moved to my own place and rented another garage to build the studio... first cool studio space insulated to be able to do late-night loud music sessions. Experimenting with hardware had started.

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2004 to 2007
As life goes and things change, I started to live in sharehouse communities. I moved from the previous place and had the chance to have a room at my grandparent's house, worked on 2 different setups.

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2007 to 2009
Still in the same room but a bit upgraded.

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Moved again and had the smallest room in the world at our next shared house, it's an old cellar like 1.5x2.5m.
Well soundproofed though, and a funny 1 person solo setup :P

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In those years, something happened. I visited my friend in Helsinki while having a gig there, and after finishing the SAE school, he launched a big studio project that is now Helsinki Music Studio. I saw the room he was working in and my jaw dropped on the floor. I was considering myself already a "professional" music producer but my setup conditions felt like I was still a super amateur in comparison... From this moment started the bigger dreams.


About a year later & some financial help to get sorted, I started the building of E7 studio. It was all made by my hands with my little acoustic & building knowledge I had at the time. It was in a cool area of the town nearby, with many other bands & workshops or party room in the same basement of an industrial building. On top of building a studio, it was around a really cool artistic community. 6 months of hard work, the result was honestly stunning! E7 was considered to me my 7th studio build, a concept about pushing psytrance production to a next level. E7 album was made in there with a super cool design representing the studio.

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Electrypnose Electrypnose Electrypnose Electrypnose

After a year and a half of use and amazing great times spent in this environment, partying & collaborating with all the cool people in the area... a fire happened! Quite a dramatic episode, nobody died luckily, but everything in the whole basement was trashed out. All had to be removed & rebuilt. In the disaster, losing the freshly built dream studio, I got also very lucky. First of all, I wasn't in the studio! Because if I was, I could have died trapped by the fire considering its position in the basement and where the fire happened. Second thing, I had my precious backup hard drive in the studio at the time of the incident, I was backing just before it happened and normally I would take it away from the room. I was so scared to lose 10+ years of work, that with friends we got some proper gas masks and went in illegally while the area was unguarded. The room next door to my studio where the fire started was all melted down, impressive to see. My studio was fairly intact luckily, thanks to all the fireproof insulation and plaster boards I used in my build. All was so dirty and damaged though, but my computer and backup and synths had survived... thanks God! Officially, the fire started from an electric shortcut on an amp in the band room next door to my studio. Last great luck in the episode, is that I was properly insured. All the equipment that survived got cleaned up by professionals, and the rest was covered financially. I could start again with some funds.

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2013 to 2016
Those years were bridging years. This whole fire incident made me move on to the next build but it took a lot of time to plan and achieve. I basically could start a whole new life project & still in a shared house community setup at my grandparent's house, to live and achieve my goals. But the workload was enormous. Just check the D4 studio building pictures album to see what it took to get to what it is today. During those years, there have been 3 temporary setups, in my room at first and then 2 that didn't look pretty at all but were functional.

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D4 studio was ready and a new era had started... This dream studio 2.0 is the actual result of the past builds, in many ways, technically with the setup and acoustically with the help of a great friend passionate about acoustics. Except keeping on fine-tuning some little aspects of it, I don't even think exactly how it could get much better than what it is unless I think of building a Hollywood million dollars studio like Hans Zimmer.. in another life maybe :) One thing that I can sometimes go against with my actual setup is certain aspects of the technological evolution. At some point, I feel that I have way too many extremely powerful tools to make all the music we can, and I do not feel the need nor the will to upgrade constantly with the newest this or that. I love the old-school stuff, the old electronic technologies & the analog world. I sometimes think I'll unplug my studio computer from the internet and the actual tool will be like it is for years and years to go. I'm on Cubase 9.5, Ableton 10 & FL20... Those together work like a charm and I really want Rewire to make them work together.. Since Rewire is discontinued in the newer versions, I have zero interests in upgrading. I hope all the correlated software like windows & such will let me survive like this for a long while. Let's see...

Electrypnose Electrypnose Electrypnose Electrypnose


Electrypnose Electrypnose Electrypnose

Thanks for reading this :) .. I just want to say as a final word that I'm never thankful enough to the people that came across the evolution of these projects and helped me achieve it, in many aspects. There are many actors in my close surrounding that, without them, all this wouldn't have been possible. Much <3